The Kentucky Derby is the one of the most prestigious sporting events in the world. With many years of history, people travel from all parts of the world to see this race.
Sports Traveler has 2011 Kentucky Derby Packages...
Now you can start earning points toward great sports and travel rewards. Make a purchase at Sports Traveler and earn points for dollars spent - come back to us to purchase another travel package, a hotel room, or tickets...
Begin planning your trip to the 2010 Kentucky Derby at historic Churchill Downs. All packages can be purchased with a low per person deposit. These packages include everything you need for a great weekend. The race might...
Have you ever wanted to go behind the scenes or beyond the game of your favorite sporting event? Now you can with Sports Traveler Experiences!
I decided to add this exciting new section of our site to highlight and introduce...
Sports Traveler is offering tours to various horse farms during the week of the Kentucky Derby. These packages give you an opportunity to see some of the most famous horse farms in Kentucky. You will also be able to tour...