NFL Lockout Puts a Hold on Travel Plans.

The NFL lockout is a hot topic in the sports world this summer, but the impact of the lockout can potentially spread much further than the NFL. Current rumors predict that the lockout could be coming to an end by July 15.  If these rumors hold true than there will be practically no harm done to the League. Player development might be hindered but if the entire 16 game season lives on then everyone is happy. However, if the lockout continues into August then we will start to see the affects of no NFL season.

Many hotels will lose out on room bookings and perhaps the possibility to fill the rooms vacant due to the absence of NFL games. Local business could suffer from a drop in customers and business on game days. Its a lot like "Reaganomics" in the fact that there will be a trickle down effect, but the effects will only be negative for all parties involved. Many large market teams like the New York Jets & Giants, Chicago Bears, Dallas Cowboys, and New England Patriots are lucky enough that the city doesn't absolutely need NFL games to happen to avoid a severe economic downturn. Other small market cities like the Tampa Bay, Cleveland, and Cincinnati could face big drops in tourism and the revenue created by travelers and NFL fans.

At this point it is in the hands of the Owners. In order to avoid any economic catastrophe the lockout must come to an end and the NFL knows this. The negotiations will eventually come to an end and football will be played again on Sundays, but there are still questions that need answers: When will the lockout end? How will the travel business be affected by any loss of NFL games this season?

One woman in Pittsburgh feels that the city would suffer terribly if the NFL lockout continues into the regular season.  She claimed that Steeler fans spend money and many of them do it in the city of Pittsburgh.   Pittsburgh is not the only city that is worried.  In some areas people are already speculating that even cities that host training-camps will suffer.   Another thing to think about is how well some team's fans travel.  The fan support of teams like Pittsburgh create tourism for many of the other cities that house NFL teams.

At Sports Traveler we have already started to experience the trickle down from the NFL lockout.  We have fielded several questions regarding the lockout and ticket/package availability.  Many customers are seeking tickets and travel packages, but the uncertainty of the NFL season has generated hesitancy in travelers and sports fans.  Fans are finding it hard to make plans with the lockout still pending.  At this moment we are offering tickets and travel packages to NFL games and we will continue to sell tickets and travel packages as if the NFL season was happening as scheduled.  Given the current status of the NFL we have implemented a refund policy to help protect our customers.  In the event that tickets are purchased and the game is canceled, the tickets will be fully refunded.  We understand the difficulties of securing travel plans for the NFL this year.

At Sports Traveler we are fully aware of the predicament the NFL fans are in right now.  We are doing our best to work with the situation while still offering the best service for our customers.  The only true remedy for this is ending to the lockout promptly, but until then you can still count on Sports Traveler for being your best resource for sports travel.

Written by: Craig Kibler


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