Everyone loves the holiday season, especially sports fans. We see this as another opportunity to get more stuff with our favorite team's or player's names and branding. We, as sports fans, are a little nutty when it comes to seeing the new sideline cap or new throwback jersey. We immediately think we have to have it.
We just hope someone else is paying attention so we try to make sure potential gifters understand our wants and needs. In some ways its subconscious but we all are looking to bolster our collection of supportive merchandise.
Here is a guide to the buyers of these very special gifts. How can you give a sports fans what he/she wants most? Here are a few ideas that will make up our top 10 list.
10. New Hat of Favorite Team - A simple idea. Not all people where hats but most sports fans do.
9. A Poster of Favorite Team or Player - Fans love to broadcast their allegiances with posters or bumper stickers.
8. Official Team Gear - Ugly or not fans love to have the same apparel as the players on their favorite teams. Whether it be a jacket, warmups, or socks fans will eat this stuff up.
7. Books or Documentaries - If we cant live in current happy times then we love to remember the good ones. Get a Bulls fan a Jordan book or documentary and they will love you forever.
6. Replica Jersey - Find a standard issued jersey. The replica jerseys are less expensive and still look close enough to the real thing. We consider this to be game day attire.
5. Authentic Jersey - Spend a little more cash and get the real thing. Whether its current or a throwback, you can capture any fans heart with and authentic jersey. It makes us feel like we could play too.
4. Regular Event Tickets - Get tickets or a package to a regular season game or match. Getting tickets to see our favorite teams is a can't miss. Plus you might get to go on the trip too!
3. Special Event Tickets - Certain events are more special then others. This category includes events like the Super Bowl, Masters, Final Four, or Rose Bowl.
2. Autographed Items - A sports fan loves to accumulate autographs. The good news is most autographs gain value over time. So consider it an investment.
1. A Championship - This is something that can't be bought but there is nothing more valuable to a sports fan. Only a team can deliver this present. Just be there to celebrate when it happens.
Choose any item on the list and you are guaranteed to satisfy the sports fan you are buying for. I realize #1 is not possible but if you share the same enthusiasm about winning it will go a long way. Whether you are a sports fan or not we hope everyone has a wonderful holiday in 2013. May everyone get exactly what they wanted and we wish a happy and safe holidays to all!
Can you think of something not on this list? Submit your idea in the comments!