Durantula Feasts In The "Big Apple"

On Monday night the NBA's 2 time and reigning scoring champion did a number on his a opponents in a Entertainers Basketball Classic game.  That number was 66 to be exact.  Kevin Durant fulfilled one of his childhood dreams and got to play a game at famous Rucker Park in Harlem.

The NBA superstar came within two points of the Entertainers Basketball Classic single game record and fell only 8 points short of the Rucker Park single game record.  For a career this accomplishment wouldn't be as special as a NBA title or National Championship in college, but as far as individual accomplishments this has to feel pretty good for Durant.  His career high as a member of the Oklahoma City Thunder is 47 on two separate occasions.  Look for more NBA players to bring their talents to pickup games and traveling league tournaments.  Players like Durant are entering their prime and cannot afford too much time off, and it looks like the NBA won't be having any games for quite some time.  All you NBA fans out there might have to watch youtube video highlights just like this one so you can get your fix over the next several months.

Written by: Craig Kibler


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